Wallpaper for Girls

Hello Kitty, Unicorn, Hearts and Butterflies, we have all the cute wallpaper that girls would love

Wallpaper FAQ

How To Download a Wallpaper for your iPhone

Once you have picked out the wallpaper you want, then click on the image and in the left hand corner there is a a share button, if you click on it there will be a drop down menu and it has the option to download the image.

How to Install the Wallpaper on your iPhone

If you download the image on your desktop, you can airdrop it to your iphone. Open the image on your phone and and select the option button in the right hand corner, scroll down until you see the option "use as wallpaper"

How to Change the wallpaper on your iPhone

Open the image on your phone and and select the option button in the right hand corner, scroll down until you see the option "use as wallpaper"